Playback Theater...working from the Inside~Out

Playback Theater...working from the Inside~Out

Playback Theatre is an improvisational theater that offers unique gifts. These gifts are for the three parties present: the actors, the storyteller and the audience.

How does it work?

Someone from the "audience" tells a personal story to the interviewer/conductor, who supports the teller to share what is most alive for them. The "actors" then re-enact it improvisationally. And while staying true to the details of the story-the individuals unique "song", they also hope to reveal or unfold the heart of the story- the universal desire/longings/needs. The teller might gain insight or perspective; perhaps digest the experience differently or see it from another perspective. A field of creative and artistic expression is opened in the enactment and sometimes "magic" happens!

The "actors" listen with an open receptivity and patience, with full attentiveness to what might be calling this story to be expressed now. Can a practice of doing Playback help to develop the capacity to "over-come" one's own mental chatter so that we may be free to be present for another?

The third element is the audience, holding all that is happening with their witnessing. Playback Theatre has the potential to strengthen community connection and caring through the sharing of personal story...when we truly hear another's story, there is no way we cannot love them.

Playback Theatre offers the opportunity to learn the skills inherent in Improv within a unique context that enlivens and embodies capacity strengthening for the human encounter. Improv practice itself invites initiative, collaboration, observation, spontaneity, imagination, courage, and flexibility. Improv is about freedom of expression within the ‘container’ of agreements. Here are the agreements!  "Accept Offers" "Use Everything" "Notice More" "Move", "Make your Partners Look Good" "Let Go" "Be Affected”

In addition, my Playback experience is infused with my study and conversation with Compassionate Communication/NVC, Restorative Circles Process and Anthroposophy.

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